Nov 17, 2018
Overview of Episode #49 ---
Timing on Recording: @ 7:04 ---
Topic 1: Welcome; Why Does Growing Trust
- Produces more results.
- Produces more efficiently/effectively.
- It enriches your life, as well as other’s.
Timing on Recording: @ 13:12 ---
Topic 2: This life is about love, especially if you want
to lead, it's really about love.
- There is truth.
- Servant Leadership Model.
- Be willing to ask tough questions.
Timing on Recording: @ 20:18 ---
Topic 3: Two things that will help you accomplish
more than you ever have.
- Relationships: Have rich relationships, people will do things,
people will give you discretionary effort that they wouldn’t give
you if you don't have a good relationship with them.
- Make better decisions: When you are too busy, you make poor
decisions, if you make better decisions, even just 10% better, and
the people you are counting on help you achieve whatever it is you
are trying to accomplish, then you have better relationships, you
accomplish more.
Timing on Recording: @ 32:03 ---
Topic 4: What Gets in the Way of Growing
- Being busy.
- Fear, fear is number ONE.
- Not finding your courage.
Timing on Recording: @ 37:42 ---
Topic 5: How Do You Help People and Challenge
People at the Same Time?
- Lean into healthy conflict.
- Put the issue on the table, this takes courage.
- Seek first to understand, then to be understood.
- You don't have to agree, but you do have to figure out to move
- Follow through.
Timing on Recording: @ 47:20 ---
Topic 6: Five Fingers of Trust.
- Character – Have to trust someone’s character. (Middle
- Commitment – How committed are you to the team and to me? (Ring
- Competence – Can you do what you say you are going to do?
(Pinky finger)
- Communication – Do we connect? (Thumb)
- Alignment – Are we aligned on something? (Pointer finger)
Timing on Recording: @ 58:11 ---
Topic 7: What are some of the traits or things the
people who influenced you the most do?
- They were courageous.
- They believed in you.
- They were tough, they didn’t accept excuses, but they were
tender hearted.
Timing on Recording: @ 1:05:35 ---
Topic 8: Close.
- Favorite TV Show: Sports or American Idol, real life drama,
anything learning (theology, history), and comedies, The Big Bang
- Favorite Possession: My house.
- Advice You Would Give Your 25 Year-Old Self: “My greatest
failure to this point is I have no great failures.” “Be willing to
fail because that's where you're going to really grow the
- One billboard anywhere, where would it be and what would it
say: “Are you living?”
- Bit of Advice or Wisdom You Want Every Leader to Take Away
About Growing Trust: “Risk being willing to give when you might not