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Welcome to the Wake Up Eager Workforce Podcast! A podcast for leaders, trainers and consultants who focus on increasing  the energy, commitment and communication in organizations through employee selection and professional development.  Do YOU have a Wake Up Eager Workforce? Get best practices, tools and resources here! 

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Nov 30, 2018

Overview of Episode #51 ---

  • Why and how Business Owner Will Brooks, from The Brooks Group, made a change to better manage his health and well-being.
  • How choice and awareness can help you overcome false negative beliefs that drive negative behaviors.
  • How hiring good people and trusting them can help leaders and business owners manage their stress and create a life and business they love.
  • Contact Priceless Professional Development: 770-578-6976, or
  • To see the shownotes and get the transcript for this episode, go to:

Timing on Recording: @ 8:48  ---

Topic 1: Welcome; What three things do you do regularly for your mind, your body, your spirit?

  • The mind and body is intertwined.
  • Workout first thing in the morning. “I tend to be restless and don't have the clarity of thought that I really need in order to do what I do.”
  • Have a healthy breakfast.
  • Have close connections with people outside of work, meet new people, make new connections.
  • Put discipline around fitness.
  • “I was sick and tired of being sick and tired.”
  • Things happen gradually. It's gradual to get to where we got to, and it's gradual to get to where we want to be, but by the same token, it's got to be dramatic enough to make a difference/change.
  • Be the person you were raised to be. A lot of people talk about a spiritual moment or a moment of clarity, or you just wake up one day and realize you need to do something different, and do something different quick.
  • Push yourself out of your comfort zone.
  • Don’t let your business define who we are.
  • Entrepreneurial people who were very focused on building a business need to make sure they are hiring good people and letting go of some of the decisions. Because inadvertently, you can become held hostage by your own business.
  • Empowering others can be a very uncomfortable sensation, but can be immensely freeing and gratifying.

Timing on Recording: @ 27:27  ---

Topic 2: How does fitness, eating healthy, making connections that feel comfortable to you outside of work, how does this help you manage your stress? How do you find time to do these things?

  • The concept of choice and awareness.
  • Focus on awareness and taking a good, hard look at some of the false negative beliefs that drive undesirable behavior.
  • Many people are driven by fears or insecurities and as a result, they're always pushing themselves into areas that are unhealthy.
  • Structure your day in a way that plays to your strengths.
  • Know yourself. “I know I am a morning person.”
  • It's okay for to live your life the way you want to live it, not according to how you were programmed.
  • Structure your day in a way that plays well for you.
  • Life is short.

Timing on Recording: @ 31:02  ---

Topic 3: What helped you become more aware and more able to make choices?

  • It is about the power of the mind and how we can shape our reality based on what we think of most and what we do most.
  • Assessments.
  • Idea of self-improvement.
  • Looking outside for insight.
  • Executive summaries.
  • Book – The Four Agreements.

Timing on Recording: @ 33:49  ---

Topic 4: Who has most influenced you in your life?

  • I always look to people who have achieved something that I would like to achieve.
  • People who have very impressive businesses, that are not held hostage by them.
  • You are the average of the five people you spend time with most.

Timing on Recording: @ 35:05  ---

Topic 5: When you think of the word successful, who comes to mind?

  • People who have built businesses, that is impressive to me.

Timing on Recording: @ 35:27  ---

Topic 6: Getting to Know Will Brooks.

  • Favorite guilty pleasure TV show(s): Historical accounts of wars, Civil War, World War II; House of Cards.
  • Favorite possesion: Cars.
  • Advice you would give your 25 year-old self: “Be more serious about your career.”
  • One bit of advice you want every leader or sales professional to take away from our discussion about stress management and checking in daily or recalibrating daily: Hire good people and trust them, step away from the idea of controlling outcomes.